9th Technological conference

Cars have changed in the last decade much more then it is seen by visual appearance. Push towards lower consumption and better emissions challenged the automakers to use sophisticated technologies to meet the standards and demands. Hybrid propulsion is now part of every car brand and in next five years the same step will be

700+ km without charging!!!

Our team will drive from Bled in Slovenija till Dubrovnik in Croatia (720 to 740 km depending upon places we will visit) without charging. We will drive at normal traffic speed and not “dead slow” as most records have been set. The date is set to 11 th of October 2014 and will take 2

Sustainable mobility in Logar valley

Saturday, 28. june 2014, Solčava – With no emissions in the alps Solčava: 14.00: exhibiton of electric vehicles 15.00: Presentation of the project and the adress of mayor Alojz Lipnik 15:30: presentation of vehicles, training of drivers for driving with personal transporters competition of drvers with personal transporters test drives music: Kristina in Ana Golob Center

Nikola Tesla rally

Matic Osterlič and Mitja Lampič attended the rally with Piki 4. Read more: http://www.nikolateslaevrally.com.hr/ http://www.24sata.hr/galerija/tech/elektricna-utrka-hrvatskom-tesla-s-vozio-na-tesla-reliju-369666/915617 http://www.24sata.hr/automoto/poceo-reli-elektricnih-vozila-u-porecu-ekipa-24sata-zavrsila-5-368776

Alpen Adria Energy Award

Alpen Adria Energy Award is an eco-energy oriented event that occurs yearly since 2006. We have attended the circular drive of electric vehicles from Klagenfurt over Ljublej and stoped in Bistra. There, the cars and drivers got their energy back (ones with charging, others with food). On top of everything we got the chance to

WAVE 2014

Our team (Andrej and Jasna Pecjak) were attending WAVE 2014 (World Advanced Vehicle Expedition) with our new long range car Metron 7.  The car was shown to public for the first time at WAVE and there we proved that it has the highest range without charging of all electric cars ! At WAVE 2014 we took first place in range competition leaving 140 km behind even Tesla

WAVE 2013

Our team (Andrej and Jasna Pecjak) is attending WAVE (World Advanced Vehicle Expedition) with our sports car BOLT.