Other electric cars we made or helped at development are:

Superpiki – Smart Roadster EV

First Smart Roadster was converted to “Superpiki” in 2011 for testing purposes for Chinese company Yuneec. It is high tech with special solar cells on trunk lid and fast charging. Since 2011 3 Superpiki’s have been built, one of a new and much more powerfull generation “Powerpiki” is under construction (Oct 2016). Powerpiki is supposed to be affered at German and Austrian market as well.


Second Superpiki at Adriatic coast, summer 2016

We offer conversion of Roadster from 16800 to 30000 € depending upon equipment and range (including homologation in Slovenija).

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Short pressentation of Superpiki by TV

Technical data


E-Espace Plug-in hybrid

How we made E espace electric vehicle

At first there was only an idea to make an electric car being better then what big companies show us. The first work started in september 2007 by taking the ICE engine out and refurnishing the engine compartment of the car. After half a year of collecting the necessary parts we started by assembling it together. 25th of July 2007 was the day when the electric motor turned for the first time.

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Beginning of August we made first test drives and at the end of August we drove it first time in heavy traffic of Ljubljana. Beginning of November 2007 we did the first log drive (60 km) and since then we have used it daily. After installing new LiPo batteries in May 2008 its pure electric range raised to 200 km and it became really usefull. Last modifications (double heating) have been done in January 2009. During the last year of use (10000 km) it had only one brakdown.

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KOKAM Li-Po batteries

On 9th of August E Espace made first movement on electric power. A day earlier diesel generator has started for the first time. On 10th of August the batteries have been fully recharged by internal charger.
First test drive on streets of Ljubljana of around 3 km on pure battery power finished sucessfully on 21st of August 2007!
30.10.2007 E Espace was driving around Ljubljana.
April 2008 – we have got homologation to use E Espace on roads – actually we did use it on roads as well before and violated a law, but we have a good excuse – it is impossible to test a prototype without driving it in real conditions unless you have a huge testing ground like big car companies have.
In April 2009 E Espace has been dismantled and its components used in other cars: LiPo batteries in Bolt, motor and controller are for sale now, DC DC converters in Sandero…

Technical data

teh podatki E Espace

 VW 1303 convertible

Powerfull and totally rebuilt masterpiece owned by Kelih family from Lesce. Converted at Institute Metron, finished december 2013.



Renault Kangoo electric

Converted renault Kangoo owned by company ADEL used to deliver spare parts to customers around Ljubljana. Converted at Institute Metron.

teh podatki kangoo


BYD Elektro on the road

The task was to convert a series gasoline car BYD F0 (I have never seen before) to electric vehicle in 12 days.


Opel Corsa Electric

Converted by Auto-diagnostics workshop Horvat, Institute Metron just offered support.

grecav_tovorniWe electrified series electric car Grecav Sonique that uses Letrika powertain and lithium batteries. We made 5 prototypes and prepared it for production


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